Displaying episodes 1 - 10 of 10 in total

Conversion Rate Optimization With Drew Himel

We ask about conversion rate optimization with Drew Himel, CEO of ConsultPCR.com

Shane Pittson: Quip Head Of Growth & Marketing

We ask about post-purchase surveys, offline media attribution and consumer insights with Shane Pittson: Head Of Growth & Marketing at Quip.

Customer Experience with Alex Genov

We ask about customer experience with Alex Genov, Head of Customer Experience Research at Zappos.

Zero-Party Data with Gen Furukawa

We ask about zero-party data with Gen Furukawa of Prehook.

Quant Vs. Qual with Sam Deutsch

We ask about quantitative vs. qualitative data with Sam Deutsch of Anheuser-Busch InBev.

Behavioral Science with Lilly Kofler

We ask about behavioral science with Lilly Kofler.

Survey Research with Sam McNerney

We ask about survey research with Sam McNerney.

Offline Attribution with Krystina Rubino

We ask about offline attribution and podcast measurement with Krystina Rubino of Right Side Up.

Ethnography with Allison Braund-Harris

We ask about ethnography with Allison Braund-Harris of Hardly.


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